i'm going back to my older style of blogging. it works better because it mirrors the way i think.

i don't think with capital letters. do you?

so, to re-cap this weekend, i did things that i couldn't afford, and helped my dad celebrate turning 53 years old.

i'm not sure what you do when you turn 53, but i think it includes drinking at noon and then having your son drive you to your mother's house for free food. i mean, i would do that.

seeing my dad today has really brighten my outlook on the next 20 years.
it seems bleak that i was worried about turning 20, but i think it's really harrowing. once you are 20, you are "in your 20s." and every day wasted is a day wasted in "your 20s."

i don't know.

if my dad can have a good time at 53, i think that i'll be fine.
that's all.

also, david lynch directed a PS2 commercial back in the day.
how about that?

yes. it is.

-John Thomas Diener


Alexander Richey said...

I do think with capitals, John.

Alexander Richey said...

Apparently, Liz thinks in all capitals!

johndiener said...

i don't read my comments people. don't care.