if you can tell from this shitty drawing, my chair is usually parallel to the edge of my desk.
i sit and turn my body to face the screen and keyboard. i sometimes put my legs up on my bed frame (not pictured.)
recently, my neck has been fucking killing me.
it may be related to the amount of sidesaddle-blogging that i've been doing. (refered to hereafter as slogging.)
i've been doing a lot.//
today was an alright day.
i slept through my alarm, which was really fucking lame, because i missed my only class, but all and all, a good day.
i want to put another blog in the spotlight for a moment.
the author is a friend. a friend named phil. i met him last semester in my creative writing class.
read this blog.
it has more multimedia and shit than mine. it's better. BETTER.
i don't know how many of you out there, you leefers, read webcomics, but i'm sure it is not enough. they are funny. and they are independent artists trying to make a living by making you laugh. for free. they can eat today if you visit their site. shit, maybe buy a book or something.
another cool thing that i just received (look at me! i'm a blogger! i have things to say! HYPERLINK--HYPERLINK--HYPERLINK) is the entire series "Lone Wolf And Cub." it's a series of Japanese movies about a lordless samurai and his toddler son. they are assassins. lots of good violence here. lots of bad translations too. s'based on a manga. whatever that is.
there's an english "compilation movie" of sorts. it combines the first two movies in this series into one. and completely changes the plot. it's also in english. it's called shogun assassin.
well, this blog has a lot more words than you really need to read. and too many hyperlinks.
and my neck is starting to hurt again.
masseuse for hire?
-Jizzy T
This post looks like doo doo.
There needs to be a messed up mannequin hand and some beer bottles on that there desk drawing.
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