it wasn't ironically bad.
it wasn't humorously bad.
it was just bad. everything about it was bad.
this poster is the best thing about the movie. (except that it was directed by a man named "kaos")
save yourself from wasting a night watching this movie.
(thank you pete for revealing this terror to me)
it seems that off-campus housing is looking likely for next year.
i'm on the waiting list for housing, and so are several of my friends.
the course of action is obvious.
been up late these past few nights. not real good for me, but smoking outside in the dark silence is somewhat refreshing. very few people stop and just look at things. i've been doing a lot of that.
on a somewhat related note, i've been feeling really good lately.
perhaps it is because i have deactivated my facebook account.
it changes how you waste you time. you waste it in other ways.
if you're a reader who doesn't know to contact me now, you can catch me at bizzarobillhank(at)gmail(dot)com.
i'd love to hear from a leefer. y'all pretty.
in other news, i have a new business partner.
mike jones is releasing the follow up to the 2006 release "Who Is Mike Jones?"
it's a new album entitled "The Voice."
he doen't know that i want to collaborate with him, but i think i know some people who can put in a good word.
also, if Paul Wall is also reading, i have some phatass beats for you, my friend.
enough of this silly talk.
if you are on break this week, come visit me at uconn.
we're friendly (unless you are mean, then we get ill)
carpet magic ride
-Jizzy T
wolfenstepp should be our band name
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