i'm going to cut to the chase.
we all love it, and i need to tell you what to love. because you know NOTHING.
here's my list of the top 11 spices that the colonel put into kfc.

# 11. The Bridal Shower - Work
i love post-pop. i love it more than TPL.
#10. Passion Pit - Chunk of Change (EP)
after following this band for some time previous to this release, getting this album is like getting a lock of hair from someone you are stalking. even if it's not great, it's everything you hoped for.
#9. Man Man - Rabbit Habits
still haven't seen them live, but this album makes me want to so much more. almost unbearably so.
#8. of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
hate on it all you want, it's the true child of "Icons, Abstract Thee" and "Hissing Fauna."
hey, i hated it at first too.
#7. Starfucker - Starfucker
i'm not sure where this band came from, but it fit perfectly into the collection of new music i was listening to. it's refreshing to hear an album that hasn't been hyped.
#6. Vivian Girls - Vivian Girls
i hate female singers (it's a sexist thing) but i love this. that's gotta count for something.
#5. No Age - Nouns
i REALLY hope punk makes a comeback.
#4. Ponytail - Ice Cream Spiritual
just listen to the album. it cannot be explained.
#3. Spiritualized - Songs In A & E
i made love to this album.
#2. Deerhunter - Microcastle / Weird Era Continued
i liked this band until this album. now i love them.
#1. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
best new artist, best live act, hottest lead singer. obviously my top choice
most undeserving of any praise: coldplay - viva la vida
there you have it. all my spices.
-Jizzy T
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