pretty leefers! i have returned!
it's 2009 now.
nothing is really changing.
i did have a really great new years.
i went to long island and partied with some good buddies and some good buddies i hadn't met yet.
all and all, it was good.
little bit too drunk, little bit too rowdy, but good.
recently, things have been good.
just bumming around, looking for a good time.
hard to find.
back to work now, seeking $$$$$$$$$$$ payment.
facebook is broken, and i can't help but feel responsible.
i commented one too many things.
hanging around here until the 18th if you pudding pies wanna call me.
i'm always down for the strange but fun.
i saw ripshit, seasick, and killing it. (listed in order of goodness.)
i got a split lip. i swallowed my own blood. (my own BWUHD)
whitney house = go(o)d.
i realize that there may be some people who read my blog that i don't know.
tell you what, if you don't think i know you read my blog, comment this post.
c'mon nah.
-Jizzy T